Tips For Portraits
Tips For Portraits
Poses for a portrait are also taken up close to the face. These
poses usually entail the selling of products, like make-up, skin care,
accessories and so forth. In these types of shots be more playful with the
camera, smile softly with your eyes and give the look of an angel. Think about
nature and beauty to get into the mood of feeling peaceful.
Poses for a commercial print are like beauty shots but there is a
slight difference. Commercial shots are used for specific products like
toothpastes, pharmaceutical products, hair, nails and so on. In this case, you can
have a soft look, big smile to show teeth or no teeth at all, it depends on the
product. Use facial gestures if necessary; look happy, innocent, inquisitive, thoughtful,
or snarky. Let your source of imagination help you find the right pose. It is
also particularly important to follow the photographers’ directions as they
will guide you to the right pose for the products.